I wake up to an alarm and it's 7:30. Shoot. I lean and turn over, tapping my phone but nothing happens. I see mostly gray and black but a hint of orange sticks out. I motion towards that and the alarm finally stops. Should I get up? But it's kinda cold. I turn back over and close my eyes.
Lights are streaming and my roommate is up. "Do you want to eat breakfast?" I squint, trying to figure out how much time has passed. I look at my phone, it's 8:30. I respond, "No." I can wait five more minutes... I turn back over and fall asleep.
I'm not a big breakfast proponent—I've been trying David Sinclair's six-hour eating period for the last few months (mostly on accident)—but Bethe breakfast is perfect. (Bethe is not bethe) Perfect in a way nothing else I know can achieve, not even Raf Simmon's first collection. I still never go.
"It's me not you" one side of my brain says to my other. I tell them that we're the same person. After painfully waking up, I think fuck it, and head to breakfast. I carefully walk down my five flights of stairs and realize theres a fresh coat of snow outside.
I carefully walk over the river stones because my shoes have lost all traction years ago and walk into a mostly-empty dining hall. I have the choice between fruits, salad, eggs, potato stuff (can never remember what it's called), infinite cookies, ice cream, and parfait. I'm always scared of eating too much and becoming sluggish, eventually falling asleep in the middle of Mann library, and a fight between my productive side and food-loving conscious quickly ensues. No salad obviously. Too early for cookies and ice cream. But it is also 10 PM somewhere in the world. I get fruit, eggs, and potato stuff.
Everyone's heading back for break but I still have two finals left. Yesterday the library was packed—so packed that the usual 150 Mbps wifi was like 50. Today, it's basically empty. Even though California is way warmer, I kinda like the cold Ithaca weather in a sad-bliss kinda way. But I can't listen to woodside until getting back, so I'll stick to set for now.