I go to sleep I think about coding. I wake up I think about coding, I code in the shower, in class, at bed, in my dreams.
I've spent the last two weeks coding Nudge, an app that nudges you to get your shit together and pursue your goals. Have barely gone to class—got a random text a couple days ago to go document names and ages of people in the local graveyard and didn't even know what class it was for.
It feels like my nearsightedness has bled into other parts of my life. Don't know what happened a week ago or what will happen a week from now. Can only think about one thing: $10K MRR. Nothing else on my mind.
Gotta release ColdCraft too, really not too much work left, and super sunk cost already. If that doesn't achieve PMF, I'm just braindead—that's at least what Operator Chamath would call me.